

1968  Born London, 13 April
1979  Art Scholarship to Dulwich College, London.
1986  Foundation Course in Art & Design, St Martin’s School of Art.
1987  BA (Hons) Three dimensional design, Kingston Polytechnic.

Solo Exhibitions

2017 From Hackney To Hastings, The Millinery Works, 17 October to 12 November.

Selected Group Exhibitions

1995  Photographer’s London. The Museum of London
1998  Summer Interlude, The Paton Gallery, Hackney.
1999  Tower Blocks – Love them or Loathe them. The Museum of London.
2001  Creative Quarters. The Museum of London.
2003  British Watercolours. Mall Galleries.
2007 – 2010  London Art Fair, Cosa Gallery London.
2005 – 2015  Contemporary British Art. The Millinery Works Gallery, London.
2017  V & A Museum of Childhood, Searching for Ghosts, Holly Street, Portraits and Holly Street Tower Block Sculpture, 11 Feb 2017 to 21 Jan 2018.

Film / Documentary

‘Under the Cranes’ Emma-Louise Williams and Michael Rosen, 2011. Featured artists Leon Kossoff, Jock McFadyen and James Mackinnon

‘The Bastille Concerto’ documentary produced by Tony Collins, celebrating the life of legendary jazz drummer Clifford Jarvis. To be released 2018.


EEV-cover-600x677.jpgPhotographer’s London 1839 – 1994, Mike Seaborne, The Museum of London.

Artists London – Holbein to Hurst’ Kit Weld, Lucy Pelz, Cathy Ross, Merrel Publishers Ltd, 2001.

Dictionary of British Artists since 1945, David Buckman, Art Dictionaries, 2016.

East End Vernacular – Artists who painted London’s East End streets in the 20th Century’ The Gentle Author, October 2017.


Solo Exhibition, From Hackney to Hastings, The Millinery Works, 17 Oct - 12 Nov 2017.

Spitalfields Life

East End Vernacular. "Artists who painted London's East End streets in the 20th century

British Council "Under The Cranes"

Michael Rosen. The Telegraph. "Tower block with gardens"

London Fields East "The Ghetto"

Museum Of London "Cafe Box"

Art Net

Escape into life

Fleet Gallery

Museum Of London

V&A Museum

Grandfather, Artist Hugh Mackinnon